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It Started on Day 1...

Do you know how LMS became what is today? It started on day 1. Carmel had an idea of bringing an affordable Montessori experience to the Lockhart area and opened her school with literally one student. His name was Cy Griebel and he was 4 years old. She knew she had to start somewhere, so on 1st August 2005, it began with Cy. Talk about the teacher-student ratio! By mid-week, it was clear that she needed at least two kids to start and so she brought her second student in on a full scholarship. That’s right, the second student of LMS was sponsored by Carmel. By the end of that semester, she had grown from two students to ten and all the while staying true to her commitment to providing a unique and affordable education. On the weekends she would hang a banner on her car in town to get the word out about her school but then it had to be taken down by Monday morning because you weren’t allowed to advertise a business in town on city property. But over time the word got out and it became what it is today.

Currently, we have a total of 59 students and families that attend LMS with 18 on the waiting list and 7 of those are on scholarship. We have come a long way since that one student but the level of attention and detail has remained constant. It is this spirit that defines the Montessori experience and that your children are able to enjoy every day. It is also the spirit of the LMS Booster club to support in any way necessary to keep the school running for many years to come.

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